Updated March, 2018

This following document outlines the Privacy Policy for the Ecommerce Marketer PTY LTD company and associated website https://www.ecommercemarketer.com.au/

Ecommerce Marketer PTY LTD is committed to providing the best possible customer service experience while ensuring consumer privacy. Ecommerce Marketer PTY LTD is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), which sets out a number of principles concerning the privacy of individuals.

Collection of personal information
There are aspects of the site which can be viewed without providing personal information, however, for access to future Ecommerce Marketer PTY LTD services, you may be required to submit information that may be personally identifiable. This sometimes includes, but is not limited to, personal names, phone numbers, email addresses and login information.

Sharing personal information
We may occasionally hire third parties to provide services on our behalf, including but not limited to handling customer support enquiries, assistant services and so on. Those companies or third parties are only provided the information they require to complete the service. Ecommerce Marketer PTY LTD takes reasonable steps to ensure these companies and third parties satisfy a confidentiality and privacy agreement covering this information.

Use of personal information
For each visitor visiting the website, we sometimes collect non-personally identifiable information, such as website activity and cookies for third-party-tracking platforms.

Changes to this policy
Ecommerce Marketer PTY LTD reserves the right to changing this policy at any time. Updated changes to the policy will be published on the privacy policy page on the company website.

Accessing Your Personal Information
You are allowed and have a right to access any personal information we have on file, and we welcome any requests for copies of any personally identifiable information we have.

Contacting us
Ecommerce Marketer PTY LTD welcomes any questions or enquiries regarding this policy, and we can be contacted during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, with the following contact information.

Call: 1300 814 979

Post: Attn: Privacy Policy,
Ecommerce Marketer PTY LTD,
377 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000

By ecommercemarketer

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